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Boston Public Library Employees Union, AFSCME 1526, President

AFSCME Local 1526 has represented the Library Assistants, Clerical and Mechanical personnel at the BPL since 1967.

City of Boston Public Employee Committee, Co-Chair

The committee is the authorized and exclusive health insurance bargaining representative for the coalition of public employee bargaining units and retirees of the City of Boston.

Massachusetts Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Board, Labor Representative

The Board monitors the effectiveness of the state's health and safety programs.

Massachusetts Coalition For Occupational Safety and Health, Board Chair

MassCOSH strives to ensure that all workers earn their living and return home alive and well. MassCOSH unites workers, unions and community groups with environmental and health activists, to end dangerous work conditions, to organize for safe, secure jobs, and to advocate for healthy communities.

ALA Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) Advisory Committee July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025

To advise the Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (formerly Office for Library Personnel Resources, OLPR) on activities, problems, and procedures related to library concerns in such areas as recruitment, utilization, education and training, and staff welfare. The committee will identify special areas of need or emphasis, suggest activities and programs, and stimulate programs and projects related to library personnel planning, development, and concerns. The committee will aid in communication and cooperation with other units of ALA and with other agencies, groups, and organizations within and beyond the library profession.

ALA President Emily Drabinski Advisory Committee

To advise ALA President Drabinski

The Labor Guild, Board Member and Instructor

Rank-and-file union members, stewards, officers and negotiators are trained in leadership, labor law, organizing, contract negotiation, grievance handling, public speaking, ethics, and union governance.



American Library Association Conference, June 2023, panelist, "Doing the Work: Unions, Coalitions, and Front-line Library Workers"

Northeastern Graduate Student Convening: Reimagining Learning, November 2021, panelist, "XN/Capstone Panel Discussion"

American Library Association Conference, June 2011, panelist, "Libraries Fight Back"

Massachusetts Library Association Conference, May 2007, co-presenter, "I'm Ready for My Close-Up, Mr. Demille:  Using Video Editing Software to Create Instructional Videos"

Sample Press Coverage



Official Resolution in Recognition of Commitment to Building a Better Boston, Boston City Council, December 16, 2013


Massachusetts Unsung Heroine, May 2010

Presented by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women


AFSCME Council 93 M. Michael Botehlo Award, 2008

Awarded to the AFSCME Council 93 union member or officer who best exemplifies the spirit of true Trade Unionist


Sirsi-Dynix ALA-APA Award for Outstanding Promotion of the Salaries and Status of Library Workers, 2006

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